Tuesday, January 28, 2014

From Puerto de la Cruz to La Orotava

   After spending half  day in the Loro parque on the next day I have decided just  to take a walk on  the streets of Puerto de la Cruz even trying to get lost  as this has always been my favorite way to feel the spirit of one place. The main  beach of the city - Playa Jardín is black sanded,  designed by César Manrique and runs from Punta Brava opposite Loro Parque, to Castillo San Felipe at the west end of the town. It is a good beach with all the facilities needed and often here you can enjoy watching  breathtaking high and beautiful waves. I didn’t even realize that I have spent two hours just watching the waves,  feeling totally relaxed.  The thing I really regret about is that I have spent not enough time in the botanical garden on the hillside. Here you can find tropical and subtropical trees and plants and it  is really worth to be visited. The garden is named Acclimatization Garden of Orotava and Orotava  is the place, part of my plan for today. It is really close to Puerto de la Cruz, only 5 km away and the old historic centre of the city has it all:  architecture, history, traditions, handcrafts. Shouldn´t be missed  Casa de los Balcones, Cara Lercaro, Casa del Turista and the Church of La Concepcion.
The famous Casa de los Balcones is constructed as a typical Canarian patio highlighted by a large row of balconies on the top two floors. It is a splendid manson, completed in 1670  with the participation of the best carpenters of that time. Inside you can find a nice yard with a lot of shops for traditional products  like wine, honey, mojo sauces, different handcrafts, tablecloths, traditional costumes.  There is a museum accessed after a small spiral stairway. The museum represents some moments from the life of its first inhabitants captured as a moments from their daily routine. Another interesting place is Casa del Turista, built in 1590 by one of the first large land owners of the area, Francisco de Molina and another Cara Lercaro which combines the essence of Canarian heritage. There is also a restaurant in the complex.

From the curious things in the shops are the traditional costumes, the ceramic figure of the Tara idol (ceramic figure, found on the island of Gran Canaria, refers to the believes of the Guanches), jewelries made of Olivine (green) and Obsidian (black) volcanic semi precious stones. The craftwork shops are also really curious. La Orotova is not only about history, but also offers some nice and almost never crowded black sand beaches - El Bollullo, Martín Alonso and El Rincón.

Friday, January 24, 2014

A few unusual travel suggestions

All the posts in this blog are based to my real experience in Tenerife. Most of the time I have travelled alone and I talked to many local people on my way.  People from the island are really friendly and they are trying to help if you need some information. Basically if you are here for a couple of days and you want to explore the island the best way to do it is to hire a car, for example from one of the travel agencies   http://carhire.canarias.com/  and just get one of the tour guides spread in the tourist information centers. One other way is of course a guided excursion. This could be at http://www.viajesteide.es/  for example. The choice is big enough. Generally speaking for 10 days spent a good choice are excursions that include: Teide-Icod-Garachico-Masca and simply described trip as Vuelta a la Isla that includes: Los Gigantes, Icod  De Los Vinos, La Orotava and Candelaria. Of course a dolphin watching trip, the most famous attractions (like Loro and Siam park), party and shopping in Las Americas …enough for a   pleasant vacation.  As I am one of the fans of the creative tourism ideas what I would suggest is to try to be part of the culture of the island.  For example a cooking course for traditional Canarian cuisine, a trip at the track of the Guanches (Tegueste is a good point for this kind of trip) or learn a traditional folk dance from Tenerife (Tajarastes, Tanganillos, Saltonas) or learn to play on a small string instrument called Timple (typical for the Canary Islands), learn a few   ¨ sentences¨ from the whistled language Silbo of La Gomera or subscribe to Tenerife Photography tours. At the end all of these are part of the ¨program¨ enjoy your holiday by learning a new skill, it might be useless but what if inspires you for something that could really change your life.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Teide National Park and Loro Parque

    From La Laguna, declared a World Heritage Site in 1999  my next  trip is dedicated to another place included in the UNESCO’ s list : Teide National Park which features the Teide-Pico Viejo stratovolcano the highest peak in Spain ( 3,718 m) and I decided to combine it with Loro parque. They both consist the word  “park” but this is all in common between them. Anyway Teide National Park is close to Puerto de la Cruz and the Loro parque  is a great starting point for exploring the city. Visiting them both in one day brings some thoughts about that what means the power of the nature and how people are “building   nature” and bringing real lives in it for entertainment. It is just like Teide, which is a crater inside of a bigger crater, people are trying to do the same with places  like Loro but it can’t be real as nobody has that power. Not that I didn’t like Loro Parque , sure I did, I just  don’t like the idea to keep and train animals for fun. However the shows one of the sea lions, another for the parrots, another for the dolphins, and the last for the killer whales  are great and sure they brought a smile on my face many times, smile that the alligator which was starring at the people ,or just in one point,  took easily away. A plan for visiting Teide combined with another point of interest should start very early in the morning.

On the way to Teide you can make a stop in Vilaflor (TF51 from Playa de las Américas and Arona). With altitude of 1,400 m, Vilaflor is the highest village of Tenerife. The village is small, it is high enough to feel the cold, but a good stop for a tea or coffee.  Until this point still could be seen the traditional terraces where potatoes and vinegars are cultivated also a lot of orange, lemon trees. This will be changed very soon as e few meters higher starts the circled Corona Forest with cedar and giant pine trees. It is amazing how they are growing on lava stone developing fire resistance. Of course if there is a fire they will burn, but they 
won´t die. The process of recovering took approximately 3 years and at the end just trunks remain dark but  regrowing process is amazing. After the forest starts a lunar landscape. Another interesting stop is to take a picture of  "Queen's Shoe" foreground rock looking like a woman´s shoe.  To reach as high as possible you just need to take the cable car  (the upper station is located at 3,555 m altitude). Personally I was not lucky as it was closed, because of the wind so the only option in cases like this is to take a walk around the lower station  (with a coffee shop and restaurant ) and still some amazing  views (for more information about the different routes and the cable car  the link is http://www.telefericoteide.com/en/teleferico/teide-cable-car )

“Are we going to see some animals and interesting plants in the National Park ?” is one of the questions that many tourists are asking , but it is the big volcano territory (actually Tenerife has total of 411 volcanoes) so it is not a preferred place for living except for insect species spiders, beetles, dipterans, hemipterans. Just for information  endemic reptile species in the Park: a lizard, a gecko  a skink Alpine broom scrub and the Teide broom. The Teide Violet (Viola cheirantifolia) is an endemic species that is found exclusively in the Park (more information here http://www.todotenerife.es/en/article/show/3570/05-flora )

On the other hand “Are we going to see some animals and interesting plants in the Loro parque?” is not a relevant question too… My afternoon was dedicated to Loro parque (with meaning Parrot park). Loro Parque is basically a zoo that specializes in parrots (over 3000 spiecies) and as I said it is a great zoo. It is almost every minute full with visitors, of course a lot of kids so personally I didn´t like that smoking is allowed in all the area. 

Park Narodowy Teide i Loro Parque

Od La Laguna, uznana za obiekt Światowego Dziedzictwa w 1999 roku, moja następna wycieczka jest poświęcona innym miejscu zawarte w liście UNESCO – to Park Narodowy Teide, w którym znajduje się stratowulkan Teide i najwyższy szczyt w Hiszpanii Pico Del Teide o wysokości 3718 m n.p.m. wraz z bliźniaczym szczytem Pico Viejo (3134 m n.p.m.). Postanowiłam połączyć go z Loro Parque. Oboje składają się słowo "park" i to jest jedyna wspólna rzecz między nimi. Park Narodowy Teide jest blisko do Puerto de la Cruz i Parque Loro jest doskonałą bazą wypadową do zwiedzania miasta. Warto odwiedzić ich obu w jeden dzień – to srawia, że ​​myślisz o tym, co oznacza siła przyrody i jak ludzie "budują przyrodę" i wprowadzą w niej prawdziwe życie dla rozrywki. To jest jak Teide – krater wewnątrz większego krateru. Ludzie starają się zrobić to samo z miejsc takich jak Loro Parque, ale to nie możliwe, bo nikt nie ma takiej mocy. Park oczywiście mi się nie podoba, po prostu nie podoba mi się pomysł, aby utrzymać i szkolić zwierzęta do zabawy. Wszystkie pokazy – lwów morskich, papug, delfinów oraz orek są świetne i wiele razy wywołują uśmiech na mojej twarzy, uśmiech, że aligator, który gapił się na ludzi lub po prostu na pewien punkt, lekko odszedł. Wizyta w Teide oraz kolejnym punkcie zainteresowania powinna rozpocząć bardzo wcześnie rano. W drodze do Teide można się zatrzymać w Vilaflor (TF51 od Playa de las Americas i Arona). Z wysokości 1400 m n.p.m., Vilaflor jest najwyższym wioski Teneryfy. Wioska jest mała, jest na tyle wysoka, aby czuć zimno, ale jest też dobrym przystankiem na kawę lub herbatę. Do tej wysokości jeszcze można zobaczyć tradycyjne tarasy z ziemniakami i winnicami, na których uprawiane są także wiele drzew pomarańczowych i drzew cytrynowych. Zbyt szybko wszystko się zmienia i kilka metrów wyżej  rozpoczyna się strefa okrągłego lasu Parque Natural de Corona Forestal – lasy z drzewami cedrowymi i gigantycznymi sosnami. To niesamowite, jak rosną na kamieniu lawy i rozwoją odporności na ogień. Oczywiście, jeżeli wybuchnie pożar to ogień je spala, ale nie zginą. Proces odzyskiwania trwa około 3 lat, a na końcu tylko pień drzewa pozostaje ciemna i ten proces odnawialnych jest niesamowity.
Za lasami rozpoczyna się księżycowy krajobraz. Kolejny interesujący przystanek, gdzie można zrobić zdjęcie "Królowego buta" to skała, która wygląda jak damski but. Aby osiągnąć najwyższy punkt Teide, wystarczy wybrać się kolejką linową (górna stacja znajduje się na 3555 m n.p.m.). Osobiście nie byłam wśród szczęśliwych, ponieważ kolejka była zamknięta, ze względu na wiatr, więc jedynym rozwiązaniem w takich przypadkach jest, aby wybrać się na spacer wokół dolnej stacji (z kawiarniami i restauracjami) i cieszyć się wspaniałymi widokami panoramicznymi (Więcej informacji na temat różnych marszrut i kolejki gondolowej możesz znaleźć na stronie internetowej:
"Idziemy zobaczyć jakieś zwierzęta i ciekawe rośliny w Parku Narodowym?" To jedno z pytań, które wielu turystów zadaje, ale to jest duży obszar wulkaniczny (faktycznie Teneryfa posiada łącznie 411 wulkanów), więc nie jest to korzystne miejsce do życia, z wyjątkiem gatunków owadów: pająki, chrząszcze, muchówek, pluskwiaki. Tylko dla informacji endemicznych gatunków gadów w Parku to: kilka gatunkow jaszczurek: jaszczurka kanaryjska (Gallotia galloti galloti), gekon (Tarentola delalandii), scynk (Chalcides viridanus viridanus). Są także różne rośliny alpejskie z rodzaju Genisteae jak Spartocytisus supranubius. Fiołek z Teide (Viola cheiranthifolia) jest endemicznym gatunkiem, który występuje wyłącznie w Parku. (Więcej informacji na stronie:
Moje popołudnie poświęcone było Loro Parque (która nazwa oznacza park papug). Loro Parque jest w zasadzie wielkim ogródem zoologicznym, którym specjalizuje się w papugach (ponad 3000 gatunków). Niemal każda minuta wypełniony jest gości, z nich oczywiście dużo dzieci, więc to, że palenie było dozwolone w całej okolicy zrobilo na mnie złe wrażenie.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Science and wine – La Laguna and El Sauzal


   In San Cristobal de La Laguna or just La Laguna, located just inland from Santa Cruz in the  countryside of the Aguere Valley,  a must see is the historical centre, declared a World Heritage Site in 1999. For a day spent in La Laguna, except a walk in the old part of the town  the most interesting places are The Tenerife History and Anthropology Museum,  Plaza Adelantado – historical heart of La Laguna, square with monasteries, cathedrals and dragon trees. House Casa Montanez, religious buildings: Santuario de El Cristo, Inglesia de Nuestra Senora de La Concepcion, Catedral de La Laguna. It is an university city but like in every university city science is combined with a lot of  chances for party so here comes pub Gabbana (C/ Doctor Antonio González, 11). Latino bar for electrolatino, salsa and meringue fans. From  Sunday to Wendsday  everyone could be a guest star as it offers karaoke. The Orchilla is a discoteca pub,  also popular here is a special bar called bar El Otro (Elias Serra Rafols street) in the cuadrilatero where people on Tuesday are reading poetry and on Wednesday to play music.  It's very small but all visitors are like a big family so the atmosphere is really friendly. La Laguna joined the initiative “White nights” in 2011, held at the end of November,  with a lot of all night events on the streets. A “white night” here is more like a small parade and locals and tourists  are really appreciating it. Located in the historical centre of the city is hotel Laguna Nivaria, which makes it a very good choice for accommodation.
A few words about the history museum, because the idea to make this trip combined with some wine tasting starts from there, strange but true. The Tenerife History and Anthropology Museum is located in Casa de Carta (C/ Vino, 44  Valle de Guerra)  a typical canary house from the XVIII century. Unfortunately everything inside is in Spanish but you will get some kind of a written guide in different languages to understand at least a bit of what you are seeing.  So you have to carry the guide and at the end lo leave it back. This is why I have decided to share very short information about some topics covered in the exhibition as almost everything in the city refers to the history of Tenerife anyway. The guide starts with some information about the conquest of the Canary Islands (1494).  At this time the island is divided into nine fiefdoms (menceyatos – statues of the nine leaders of the fiefdoms could be seen in the small town of Candelaria,  see post  Christmas markets and Candelaria). Tenerife is the last Canary Island conquered for the Spanish crown by  Don Alonso Fernandez de Lugo. He receives the title of Governor (1502), which gave him jurisdiction of both La Palma and Tenerife. Local people are described as people, living in huts and caves and wearing only shirts made of goat or sheep leather. The god of the original inhabitants, they called Achaman with meaning “he that sustains heaven and earth”. The Guanches started to receive Christianity with enthusiasm after the appearance of the Virgin of Candelaria statue on the beaches of Guimar (most reliable year of the appearance of the statue is 1931 and there are a lot of versions about the missioners who brought it). The new population of the Island was made mainly by Andalusians, people from Extremadura and Castile and Basques. Colonies of Foreigners were groups of Genoas, Florentines, English, French, etc. African settlers also came on the island. In the sixteenth century the main export product is sugar cane, but from seventeenth it was replaced by wines, because of the raise of the wine prices on the European markets…hm wine… La Laguna and Tegueste and the district of Anaga represents a wine growing zone with a wealth of varieties. Actually  the old town with all these historical buildings and oh I cannot mention that it a bit cold here brings the idea of trying some goods that replaced the main export from sugar cane in seventeenth century. Oh well, of course I mean wine.  So the closest place to do that is to try some wines in Casa del Vino “La Baranda”
in the town  El Sauzal (only 12 kilometers from La Laguna Autopista del Note/TF-5 from Santa Cruz, bus 011 from La Laguna). The place is small looking more like a traditional village, picturesque and with very cheap restaurants. The wine house offers visitors a better look at the island’s rich winemaking heritage, description of wine making techniques, wine routes, popular sorts and festivals related to wine.  And there is a wine tasting where are offered some of the popular wines from the different regions like Mencey Chasna, Bencheque, Calius Afrutado, Arautava Kryos. There is no option for paying for entrance and wine tasting as they are paid separately 3 euro entrance and 1,5 and 2 euro for each glass but you can continue ” with tasting” in the restaurant of the complex.
El Sauzal and situated just only a few minutes drive Tacoronte. In both places you can enjoy good wine, good and very cheap food, spectacular views of the sea and Mt. Teide (specially in front of the wine house), picturesque and traditional atmosphere. At the end science and wine trip was a good idea…

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Windy or not El Medano or Los Gigantes

The main difference between El Medano and Los Gigantes is not just the wind, although El Medano is a really windy place and Los Gigantes is of course located behind the giant cliffs so there is almost no wind at all. Actually as both are small , the atmosphere is unique but quite different as in Los Gigantes there are a lot of British  tourists and in El Medano there are a lot of Spanish ones so even the restaurants and bars looks different.
   El Medano… oh such a wind and such a paradise for wind and kite surfing. The town is small and usually there is a problem with finding a parking place, especially during the weekends but all these cute little streets and leisure atmosphere makes it worth to be visited. El Medano has two magnificent beaches, separated by The Red Mountain (La Montaña Roja), the beach of La Tejita and El Medano. Both good for swimming and sunbathing, La Tejita beach is also recognized naturist beach. There is a big square in front of the main beach and around the square is full of small restaurants and cafes with quite and cute terraces from which you can watch the surfers. The square also hosts a weekly market and different events especially during the summer. If you are looking for accommodation close to El Medano and Playa de Arena , Arenas del mar hotel is a very good option as this way you could easily combine even two different but pleasant experiences. The atmosphere in El Medano is really special as the town is preferred from Spanish tourists and here actually the locals are making the place not so for tourists but you feel like in a small Spanish town just to enjoy nice weather and good food. The Red Mountain is like a magnet so it is really good for a refreshing walk (171 meters high). Just be aware that it will be a windy walk and you will not be able to see the color of your shoes because of the dust. La Montaña Roja is a nature reserve where over 100 species of birds and pretty much the same number species of plants have been seen. The entrances to the mountain are from TF 643 (the campsite) or from the parking, which is almost every time full. Another long and nice walk is by the beach to the beautiful designed Golf del Sur. Don’t miss and the Cave of Hermano Pedro of El Médano. A sign pointing the cave is located next to La Tejita Beach (on the left side of the parking). Hermano Pedro lived as a shepherd until the age of 24 and spent some of his time in this small cave. Pope John Paul II canonized him in 2002 - Pedro de San Jose de Betancur - and was announced as the first Guatemalan and Tenerifean saint. There is a statue of the Saint, many beautiful paintings, flowers and different offerings left by the pilgrims who visit the cave every year.

                                                                                                                        Los Gigantes
What could be better than an inspiring view and a piece of quietness a bit away from the party places. Just enjoy a beer by the marina. The view of the cliffs is really amazing. The best thing to do here is to go on whale and dolphin watching trips, or a tracking hike to Masca.  Many of the people here just enjoy feed the fish as you could see a lot of fish in crystal clear water. A nice path for walking by the harbor, lovely small square with church, Los Gigantes has all for relaxing vacation. Los Guios – the main beach is very small with black sand. César Manrique left his marks here with the designed complex of El Laguillo (before the harbor). It is not that nice as Lago Martiánez in Puerto de la Cruz or Marine Park Caesar Manrique in Santa Cruz but it also has its nice pools and great views. Club Oasis is another spot of this type with pools, entertainments (green bowling etc.) and a nice unpretentious  restaurant. If you are looking for hotel close to the resort and taking the advantages of the several times awarded beach Playa de la Arena a good choice are: Hotel Luabay COSTA Los GIGANTES, Hotel Stil Los Gigantes, Barcelo VARADERO Hotel.


Główna różnica pomiędzy El Medano i Los Gigantes to nie tylko wiatr, choć El Medano jest bardzo wietrznym miejscem, a w Los Gigantes, dzięki  600 metrowym klifom wiatru nie ma prawie w ogóle. Oba miasta małe, ale odznaczają się wyjątkową atmosferą, Los Gigantes  jest kurort preferowany przez brytyjskich turystów, a El Medano - przez hiszpanskich.
  El Medano... taki wiatr i taki raj dla kite i wind surfingowców. Miasto jest małe i trudno można znaleźć miejsce do parkowania, zwłaszcza w weekendy, ale wszystkie te urocze uliczki i atmosfera wypoczynku sprawiają, że ​​warto go odwiedzić. El Medano ma dwie wspaniałe plaże: El Medano i La Tejita. Rozdziela je wulkaniczne wzniesienie zwane Czerwoną Górą (La Montaña Roja). Oba są dobre do pływania i opalania, a część plaży La Tejita jest również znana jako plaża nudystów. Jest wiele barów, restauracji i kawiarni położone naprzeciw głownej plaży i wokół placu, na którym odbywa się również cotygodniowy targ oraz różne wydarzenia, zwłaszcza w okresie letnim. Jeśli szukasz noclegu w pobliżu El Medano i Playa de Arena,  Arenas del mar hotel  jest bardzo dobrym rozwiązaniem, bo w ten sposób można łatwo połączyć dwie różne, ale bardzo przyjemne doświadczenia. Atmosfera w El Medano jest naprawdę wyjątkową i można poczuć się jak w małym hiszpańskim miasteczku, gdzie po prostu cieszyć się piękną pogodą i dobre jedzenie. Czerwona Góra przyciąga jak magnes, więc... zaprasza na orzeźwiający .To jest nieczynny już wulkan o wysokości 171 metrów. La Montaña Roja to chroniony rezerwat przyrody ze względu na duże wartości ekologicznej, gdzie zobaczyć można ponad 100 gatunków ptaków i prawie tej samej liczby gatunków roślin. Wejścia do góry są przez TF 643 (kemping) lub z parkingu, który jest prawie zawsze pełny. Nie przegap też i jaskini Brata Piotra (Cueva del Santo Hermano Pedro). Znak wskazujący jaskini znajduje się obok Plaży La Tejita (po lewej stronie parkingu). Hermano Pedro był pasterzem do wieku 24 lat i spędził część swojego czasu w tej małej jaskini. Papież Jan Paweł II kanonizował go w roku 2002 i Pedro de San Jose de Betancur został pierwszym świętym Wysp Kanaryjskich i Gwatemali Jest pomnik świętego, wiele pięknych obrazów, kwiatów i różnych prezentów pozostawionych przez pielgrzymów, którzy odwiedzają jaskinię co roku.
                                                         Los Gigantes
Co może być lepszego niż inspirujący widok i kawałek ciszy niedaleko od centrum imprezy na wyspie. Wystarczy wypić piwo na przystani. Widok na klify jest naprawdę niesamowity. Najlepszą rzeczą do zrobienia tu jest, aby oglądać  wielorybów i delfinów , lub wybrać wycieczki piesze szlaki w Masca. Wielu ludzi tutaj po prostu cieszy się karmić ryby, które można zobaczyć w krystalicznie czystej wodzie. Ładny spacer po porcie, piękny mały plac z kościołem, Los Gigantes posiada wszystko aby spędzić relaksujące wakacje. Los Guios - główna plaża, jest bardzo mała, z czarnym piaskiem. César Manrique pozostawił tu swoje ślady  kiedy zaprojektował kompleksu El Laguillo (przed portem). Ten kompleks nie jest tak ładny jak Lago Martiánez w Puerto de la Cruz i Marine Park César Manrique w Santa Cruz, ale ma też swoje fajne baseny i wspaniałe widoki. Club Oasis jest kolejnym miejscem tego typu oferującym też  różne rozrywki i bezpretensjonalną restaurację. Jeśli szukasz hotelu w pobliżu kurortu, biorąc pod uwagę zalety wielokrotnie nagrodzonej plaży Playa de la Arena, to jest dobry wybor:   Hotel Luabay COSTA Los GIGANTES, Hotel Stil Los Gigantes, Barcelo VARADERO Hotel.

   Най-голямата разлика между El Medano и Los Gigantes не е просто вятъра, въпреки че El Medano е наистина ветровито място а Los Gigantes се намира зад огромните скали и там почти няма никакъв вятър. Всъщност и двата курорта са малки с уникална и доста различна атмосфера, тъй като в Los Gigantes има много британски туристи, а в El Medano доста испански, така че дори ресторантите и баровете изглеждат различно.

       El Medano...какъв вятър и какъв рай за уинд или кайт сърф. Градът е малък и обикновено има проблем с намирането на паркомясто особено през почивните дни, но всички тези малки улички и ралаксираща атмосфера го правят задължителен за посещение. El Medano има два хубави плажа разделени от La Montaña Roja (Червената планина). Това са плажовете La Tejita и El Medano. И двата са подходящи за плуване а част от La Tejita е нудистки плаж. Пред главния плаж има голям площад, около който се намират много ресторанти и кафенета с прекрасни малки тераси от които да се погледате сърфистите.  На плаощада има и седмичен пазар, като това е мястото и за много събития, особено в летния сезон. Ако търсите хотел близо до El Medano и Playa de Arena, Arenas del mar hotel  е много добра опция, защото по този начин се комбинират две съвсем различни преживявания. Атмосферата в  El Medano  е наистина уникална, тъй като градът е предпочитан от много испански туристи и тук също и разбира се благодарение на местните хора, чувството е че си попаднал в малък испански град и просто се наслаждаваш на хубаво време и храна. La Montaña Roja привлича като магнит и е наистина подходяща за освежаваща разходка (171 метра висока). Само че при всички положения това ще е една доста ветровита разходка и няма да може да видите цвета на обувките си, тъй като ще са покрити с доста прах. La Montaña Roja  е природен резерват, където могат да се наблюдават около 100 вида птици и горе долу същия брой растения. Достъпна е откъм път TF 643 (къмпинга) или откъм паркинга, който е почти винаги пълен. Друга дълга разходка може да се направи по плажа до красиво проектираното голф игрище - Golf del Sur. Не е за испускане и пещерата на Hermano Pedro of El Médano. Знак, сочещ посоката към пещерата има срещу паркинга (който е на  входа към планината. Hermano Pedro  е живял като пастир докато навършва 24 години и прекарва част от времето си в пещерата. Папа  Йоан Павел II го канонизира през 2002 като Pedro de San Jose de Betancur – и е признат за първия гватемалски и тенерифски светец.  В пещерата има статуя на светеца, много красиви картини, цветя и други дарения, оставени там от многобройните поклонници, които посещават пещерата всяка година.

   Los Gigantes,  какво може да е по-добро от вдъхновяваща гледка и малко спокойствие на малко отдалечено от парти зоните място. Просто студена бира, близо до пристанището. Гледката към скалите е наистина. Най-подходящите занимания тук са екскурзии за наблюдение на китове и делфини или катерене в Masca. Много хора просто се наслаждават да хрянят рибата, с която са пълни кристално чистите води на курорта. Приятен малък площад с църква, чудесно място за разходки около пристанището Los Gigantes притежава всичко необходимо за релаксираща почивка. Los Guios – главният плаж е много малък с черен пясък. César Manrique е оставил своите следи и тук чрез комплекса El Laguillo (преди пристанището). Не е толкова красив колкото Lago Martiánez в Puerto de la Cruz или Marine Park Caesar Manrique в  Santa Cruz, но също разполага с прекрасни гледки и хубави басейни. Club Oasis е друг комплекс с басейни, развлечения и добър ресторант. Ако търсите хотел близо до курорта, но и искате да се възползвате от многократно награждавания Playa de la Arena добър избор са: Hotel Luabay COSTA Los GIGANTES, Hotel Stil Los Gigantes, Barcelo VARADERO Hotel.
